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Own IWBasic 2.x ? -----> Get your free upgrade to 3.x now.........

Fill an empty spot ..

Started by GWS, November 27, 2006, 02:08:46 AM

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Hi guys,  :)  .. a little bit early, but it seemed appropriate.

This is a port from IB standard.  Needed only to add 'Endsub''s and change the Window and Button definitions ..

best wishes,

Tomorrow may be too late ..


Nice, and just in right spirit for the Xmas season. :)



Hello Graham... isn't this EB stuff just great!  ;D

The executable included in your zip file runs flawlessly and it's a nice demo, but when I try to compile the unmodified source, EB seems to choke without any errors given other than as shown below:

Error(s) in compiling C:\Xmaswish\EBXmas.eba

That's it.  ???

Would you mind try to compile again from your end to see if it works? ...any ideas at all what might be going on?

David (Doc)


November 28, 2006, 01:46:18 AM #3 Last Edit: November 28, 2006, 01:49:26 AM by GWS
Hi Doc,

He ..He .. I'm not used to this yet .. :)

When I zipped it all up, I included all the files in my working directory.ÂÃ,  One of these is a .opt file, and I think this remembers my working directory - this is not going to be the same on your machine ..

So, if you delete all files except the .eba and graphics files from the directory you've un-zipped into, re-load the source file, and rebuild making sure it's to your own directory, all should be well. :)

Alternatively, just watch out for where it's loading, building, and saving to.

I'll watch out for this next time, and only include the eba, exe, and graphics files.

Hope it works for you then ..

Yep, it's another great system Paul has built.ÂÃ,  I bet it will sell like hot cakes ..

all the best, :)

Tomorrow may be too late ..

Brice Manuel

QuoteWhen I zipped it all up, I included all the files in my working directory.  One of these is a .opt file, and I think this remembers my working directory - this is not going to be the same on your machine ..
You just solved a problem I was having getting my lib working in EB, left the opt file from IBPro in my directory.  Thank you!

I have been trying to figure this out all night, 5:30am and I feel like big dummy overlooking something so simple!!


Yepper, that did the trick! Perfect!

...and not something that I will ever miss-fire on again. :)

Much appreciated,



You're welcome guys .. Tricky things these computers ..ÂÃ,  :)ÂÃ, 

Tomorrow may be too late ..

Ionic Wind Support Team

Oh did I forget to mention..don't include the .opts file ;)   You guys caught me sleeping for once.
Ionic Wind Support Team

Brice Manuel

Would you believe that it took me nine hours to figure that out

Ionic Wind Support Team

Mental note made to force IDE to check that the build path exisits.  The .opts file contains the output path to the executable. 
Ionic Wind Support Team